Clayton Athletics/Activities Co-op
This page will be updated with additional information as Clayton and Prairie Farm School Districts develop the athletic/activities co-op between the districts.
PFC Gym Availability Schedule
Process for reserving a gym time
Click on Gym Use Document
Email the times you would like to reserve and the group name you are reserving the gym for. If you are reserving a gym in Clayton, email Mel Becker; if you are reserving a gym in Prairie Farm, email Linda Stehling.
Linda or Mel will then confirm whether your gym reservation was approved.
To reserve a gym at Clayton, email
Mel Becker-
To reserve a gym at Prairie Farm, email
Linda Stehling-
The 4th Grade Girls Basketball team would like to use Clayton Large Gym on 10/21/24 from 3:45 to 5:30. Can I reserve the gym at this time?