Clayton Athletics/Activities Co-op


This page will be updated with additional information as Clayton and Prairie Farm School Districts develop the athletic/activities co-op between the districts.

PFC Gym Availability Schedule

Process for reserving a gym time

  1. Click on Gym Use Document

  2. Email the times you would like to reserve and the group name you are reserving the gym for. If you are reserving a gym in Clayton, email Mel Becker; if you are reserving a gym in Prairie Farm, email Linda Stehling.

  3. Linda or Mel will then confirm whether your gym reservation was approved.

To reserve a gym at Clayton, email

Mel Becker-

To reserve a gym at Prairie Farm, email

Linda Stehling-


The 4th Grade Girls Basketball team would like to use Clayton Large Gym on 10/21/24 from 3:45 to 5:30. Can I reserve the gym at this time?

PFC Gym Availability